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JSON Views are used when an HTTP GET is a reasonable way to get some JSON-formatted data from the server, for example, if you have a javascript library that employs JSON GETs, e.g., Dojo.

A JSON View is simply a page that, instead of HTML, is a JSON representation of some data.

To do this you need to create a view class and register it in ZCML.

We'll follow the xmlrpc README to demonstrate.

First, write a view class, descended from JSONView. Whatever is returned in the render method is what will be sent as a response. The usual view instance variables, context and request, are available.

    >>> from zif.jsonserver import JSONView
    >>> class FolderListing(JSONView):
    ...     def render(self):
    ...         return list(self.context.keys())

Register it as a view. Usually, this will be a browser:page or browser:view directive (I'm not sure which is really preferred, either should work.). browser2:page should also work, though I have not tried it.

    >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
    >>> ignored = xmlconfig.string("""
    ... <configure
    ...   xmlns=""
    ...   xmlns:browser=""
    ...   >
    ...  <!-- allow browser directives here -->
    ...  <include package="" file="meta.zcml" />
    ...  <browser:page
    ...     name="folderlist"
    ...     for=""
    ...     class="zif.jsonserver.JSONViews.FolderListing"
    ...     permission="zope.ManageContent"
    ...     />
    ... </configure>
    ... """)

Let's set up a browser.

    >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
    >>> browser = Browser('http://localhost/')
    >>> #N.B.,this was how I figured out the need for the IJSONWriter utility...
    >>> #browser.handleErrors = False
    >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization','Basic mgr:mgrpw')

Almost exactly like the xmlrpc example, we add some items to the root folder.

    >>> typeName = ""
    >>> newValue = 'f1'
    >>>'/@@contents.html?type_name=%s&new_value=%s' % (typeName,
    ... newValue))
    >>> newValue = 'f2'
    >>>'/@@contents.html?type_name=%s&new_value=%s' % (typeName,
    ... newValue))

Before we can JSONView, there needs to be an IJSONWriter utility. Here's one.

    >>> from import ztapi
    >>> from zif.jsonserver import jsoncomponent
    >>> from zif.jsonserver.interfaces import IJSONWriter
    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IJSONWriter, jsoncomponent.JSONWriter())

We reset the browser just for fun...

    >>> browser = Browser('http://localhost/')

Now, we can call our new JSONView and get a response:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized

That was expected Let's view again, and provide authentication this time. Content-type is set appropriately.

    >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization','Basic mgr:mgrpw')
    >>> browser.headers['content-type']
    >>> s = browser.contents
    >>> s == '["f1", "f2"]' or s == '["f1","f2"]'

Pretty cool, yes? This is much smaller than a similar xmlrpc response.

But what about parameters? Let's create another class with a parameter and an optional parameter. We'll also do some local error handling. There's no real standard on error handling in JSON, so you may need to commune with the client implementation to see how to handle errors.

    >>> import decimal
    >>> class FolderStupidSum(JSONView):
    ...     """return two values and their sum"""
    ...     def render(self, a, b=0):
    ...         try:
    ...             a = decimal.Decimal(a)
    ...             b = decimal.Decimal(b)
    ...         except decimal.InvalidOperation:
    ...             self.request.response.setStatus(500)
    ...             return {'error':'bad params','a':a, 'b':b}
    ...         return {'a':a,'b':b,'sum':a+b}

First, a hack to make the page template file findable, then register the sum page and a sum_form page.

    >>> import os
    >>> loc = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    >>> pt = os.path.join(loc,'tests','')
    >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
    >>> ignored = xmlconfig.string("""
    ... <configure
    ...   xmlns=""
    ...   xmlns:browser=""
    ...   >
    ...  <!-- allow browser directives here -->
    ...  <include package="" file="meta.zcml" />
    ...  <browser:page
    ...     name="sum"
    ...     for=""
    ...     class="zif.jsonserver.JSONViews.FolderStupidSum"
    ...     permission="zope.ManageContent"
    ...     />
    ...  <browser:page
    ...     name="sum_form.html"
    ...     for=""
    ...     template="%s"
    ...     permission="zope.ManageContent"
    ...     />
    ... </configure>
    ... """ % pt)

Start a new browser.

    >>> browser = Browser('http://localhost/')
    >>> #browser.handleErrors = False
    >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization','Basic mgr:mgrpw')

Let's do a couple of views. Browser is already authenticated. Asssure the parameters in the GET match the names in the render method. Default values in the method signature are OK, and probably a good idea.


We are expecting something that looks like {"a":5,"sum":5,"b":0}

    >>> '"a"' in browser.contents
    >>> '"b"' in browser.contents
    >>> '"sum"' in browser.contents
    >>> browser.contents.count('5') == 2

This request should get something that looks like {"a":5,"sum":15,"b":10}

    >>> browser.contents.count('15') == 1

This request does not send enough parameters. The error I get is {"error":"render() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)"}

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
    >>> 'error' in browser.contents

This request also does not send enough parameters, because the parameter provided does not match the method signature. Same error as above.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
    >>> 'error' in browser.contents

Let's see if the local error handling works. We should get an HTTP error and something like '{"a":"zzz5","b":"10","error":"bad params"}

    >>> browser.handleErrors = True
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
    >>> 'zzz5' in browser.contents
    >>> 'bad params' in browser.contents

Now, let's open the test form in the browser so that we can see if POST works. Ordinarily, a POST for a JSONView would be done in an XHR, but we are just testing functionality here.

    >>> a = browser.getControl(name='a')
    >>> b = browser.getControl(name='b')
    >>> a.value="34"
    >>> b.value="66"
    >>> submit = browser.getControl(name="submit")
    >>> '"sum":100' in browser.contents
    True Logo

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